a year ago
Reports from Nonexistent Islands
Have you ever looked at a map and noticed little irregular dots in between continents?
Don’t they evoke a feeling of nostalgia, a desire to visit a place that had not been conquered and plundered yet?
For centuries those “dots” have triggered an unstoppable urge and appetite to start over and build a new and better place for us. I know by now that this is a pure fantasy. Such islands do not exist, but we love to dream, and an island is the perfect creature to throw all our desires into. “What is impossible on the continent, creates an array of endless options on the island. Every island is a pure potential, a material treasure for utopian invention.”
- Kasper Bajon “Fuerte” An undiscovered island is like a dream that comes and goes in all imaginable forms and colours. Exotic, seductive, mesmerising, lush or bare like a canvas waiting for your action to create, recreate, construct and invent. I am presenting a new collection of my paintings called: “Reports from Nonexistent Islands”.
Small scale canvases with edges sculpted by hand to give you one of a kind irregular shape of a tumbled stones washed up the ocean’s shores. A group of paintings that are intended to take your imagination on a dream-like journey and play with your emotions. I believe the use of colours, the shape of brushstrokes and textures can do that. There is a flow that brings the element of water inevitably present around the islands. The idea came to me at the time of tough restrictions during the COVID lock-down. I had just moved from America to Europe, precisely speaking Hudson, New York to Warsaw, Poland. I was planning to reinvent myself and thrive in a new place just like those adventure seekers, sailers and voyagers who took a leap in order to chase their dreams. Instead I was under “home arrest” with my “new to Warsaw” daughter going to online school in one room and my confused, suffering from Alzheimer dad who did not understand why I brought him to an unfamiliar place miles away from his home, in the other room. I was one step from going mad like all those adventure seekers, sailers and voyagers who after weeks of sailing in the blistering sun, exhausted from thirst, finally managed to land on an island with no drinking water. The rescue came from the least expected place- a book shelf. Yes, I found an by Judith Shalansky. So my journey began. I no longer felt trapped in that claustrophobic situation as I had found the perfect form of escapism. I was sailing across the pages of a beautifully illustrated atlas passing through many exotic places in order to find myself on page 58 which was about one of the “Islands of Disappointment” on the Tuamotu Archipelago ( ). I was home! When things fall apart we have to find the strength to start putting them together. A sketchbook came in handy and I started working. There were many “blue” days at the beginning but I managed to sail into wide waters of more complex, vibrant colours. The titles came from another wonderful book called: by A. Manguel and G. Guadalupi, a book dedicated to places invented by writers and existing in literature only. I am inviting you to take a look at what the ocean of 2020 nostalgia brought to the shores of my recent creative accomplishments. The pieces are sold individually, but you can also create your own “story” and compose several pieces to your liking. Shipping available to all destinations except Nonexistent Islands! Please take a look at my new paintings collection!
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